In awe of all the beautiful racks of clothes and shelves of shoes around me! Behind me: the impeccably curated outfits for my styling session. Bottom left: Joan of Arctic mid-wedge boots from Sorel!

Mirror selfie – but really I wanted to capture those TO DIE FOR evening gowns and shoes! I suggested pairing these dresses w/ the boots 😉
It’s true ladies – there really IS a heaven! And it’s here at Rachel Zoe Studio! So most of you know by now that I was recently featured on The Zoe Report for fall style with Sorel Footwear… But how did all this come to be, you might find yourself asking?! Who is this girl? Why did Rachel Zoe choose her? Well, I had a lot of the same questions and now I’ll give you a look at all the behind-the-scences excitement around my last trip to LA!
Those who know me know I’m beyond obsessed with these three for their style and general all-around amazingness: Olivia Palermo, Emmanuelle Alt, and… [drumroll please…] …my #1 style icon + girl crush of all time?!?! RACHEL FLIPPIN’ ZOE duh! 😀 I mean…. I used to binge watch The Rachel Zoe Project instead of studying all throughout grad school, and every time I have a big event, the first question I ask myself is “What would Rachel Zoe wear?!” Well… here’s the problem with that: how do you roll into RZ HQ, trying with all your might to play it cool and not look like you tried too hard, when half your wardrobe is influenced by Rachel Zoe?! OBviously I didn’t want to look like I’m trying to imitate this inimitable iconoclast!
AAAAHH!? What to wear?!
My darling friend from Paris to the rescue!! So I’m actually blessed with an incredible friend who’s like a mini-Rachel Zoe. And she lives in Paris. AND, she designs the most killer leather jackets you’ve ever seen! She overnighted me this GORGEOUS black fringe leather jacket (seen here in plum on Blake Lively) – the “Retrograde” by NOUR HAMMOUR. DONE, son! Not only did it fit like a glove, it totally matches my rocker chic aesthetic and feels like me. Paired with my fave Topshop jeans (Moto Baxter in washed black) and a simple white Alexander Wang muscle tee, I felt like a cooler version of my usual self 🙂 And that’s the most important lesson I learned (not to sound cheesy guys…) –> trust your gut instinct on what to wear and how to style your hair and makeup. Nobody knows you like you do. If you don’t feel comfortable or like your best self in something, then chances are that’s gonna show through… And I think that’s what the TZR team saw in me through my Instagram posts (follow me here) when they selected me for this fall style feature with Sorel Footwear – I really try hard to stick to my personal aesthetic. I wear the clothes that make me feel confident and happy, and I avoid trends I’m not ready to adopt yet or that just don’t fit my style… and that’s okay! Not every trend is for everyone (oh how I wish I could pull off jumpsuits, but my short legs + long torso can’t make them work!), and that’s an important lesson I learned in my late 20s!
Anyways, I had the most incredible day with the girls at Rachel Zoe Studio (special shoutout to Lindsay and Alyssa for being the sweetest babes in LA and the most talented styling duo!) and The Zoe Report (extra special shoutout to Ms. Taylor + Sarah for being coordinators extraordinaire and to Kristi Mikesky for her editorial genius in turning my babbling into coherent poetry!)! These girls pulled the most effortlessly chic fall outfits together at the RZ Studio and I just had a field day playing with the shoes, hats and accessories! I still can’t get over how insanely nice and inspirational they all were! Rachel Zoe has really curated not only a flawless wardrobe collection, but also a beautiful team with so much class and timeless style! No matter how many times I gushed, drooled and babbled “OMG I’m soooo happy/excited to be here!!” they would smile and tell me how excited they were to have me there! I mean… way to make a gal feel special [blush]!! I’d say they’ve perfected the art of making a girl feel like a beautiful woman and treating her like a queen.
Stay tuned for another blog post coming this weekend, revealing all the details on how I got to LA and my fabulous weekend adventures leading up to my styling session at RZ Studio!
xoxo –pari–
Black fringe leather “Retrograde” jacket by Nour Hammour Paris | Washed Black Baxter Moto jeans from Topshop | White “Upas” cape blazer from BCBG | Grey “Faye” wool-blend vest by Rag & Bone (avail. at Intermix) | “Joan of Arctic” mid-wedge waterproof boots by Sorel Footwear
#topshop #TopshopStyle #rachelzoe #rachelzoestudio #thezoereport #RZ #ragandbone #bcbg #cape #capeblazer #blazer #longvest #vest #fallstyle #fallfashion #fall #losangeles #breakintofall #Sorelstyle #fashion #fashionblogger #style #street style #streetstyle #StreetChic ##Modest is hottest #Modest Fashion #modeststyle #modeststreetstyle #westhollywood #WeHo #melroseplace #travel diary #travelstyle #traveldiary =